Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Spook's Shack by Wendy Orr and Kerry Millard

I really enjoyed this book because it had a lot of describing words e.g. "Darkness spread over town for a while". I also enjoyed this story because a boy named Finn finds this shack in the forest that he lives in. He then enters it .He sees fungus all over the walls and finds a dog growling at him, then a man speaks saying: ''Who goes there intruding in my shack?'' but then Finn's hairs stands up showing that he's really nervous and scared. Also then the man's dog bites Finn's leg leaving him to bleed. The man said his name is '' Jack Henry''. He also said not to worry about the bite because his dog always bites people that he doesn't know and is not used to.

I would recommend this book to people of all ages especially kids.
I would also rate this book 9/10

by Rhianne

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